Bill Barnett

Independent Candidate for the South West region in the European Parliamentary Elections 2009

Saturday, 2 May 2009

European Parliament expenses - a scandalous affair...

Some great investigative reporting here, showing the abuse of expenses in the European Parliament. On June the 4th YOU have a choice -
1. Vote for the same old faces, same old parties and continue to be screwed;
2. Stay at home, and continue to be screwed;
3. Vote INDEPENDENT and replace the crooks and chancers with real people just like you, who want to change the way things work.
(hat-tip to Plato for the fantastic vid!)


  1. Superb. I'm gonna nick this :)

    Just as soon as I figure out how to embed video.

    Do you mind if I put it up as a guest spot on my blog?

  2. fill your boots....the bigger the spotlight, the more the cockroaches will scuttle away
