Bill Barnett

Independent Candidate for the South West region in the European Parliamentary Elections 2009

Monday, 20 April 2009

only 4 days left to make a stand for democracy

In my last post, I set out the standards of behaviour that I will abide by should I be elected to the European Parliament in June 2009. I do not believe that these standards are unreasonable - in fact they are the standards of conduct that I believe the voting public shouls EXPECT from those who represent them.

As we now have only 4 days of text polling left, its time for me to set out what I would like to achieve, and what I will work for if elected. If you agree with what I want to do, then please text WILBAR01 to 86837, and spread the word to your friends and family. Under the proportional representation system, parties put forward a list of candidates. Those candidates are then elected based on the proportion of votes received by that party - so for example, if Jury Team's independents poll 50% of the vote, then the top 3 on the list (of 6) will be elected.

What did I set out to achieve when I decided to stand as an independent? Firstly, I want to give people a real choice to use their vote in a positive way. The turnout in the 2004 Euro elections was a poor the system so broken that almost two thirds of the electorate choose not to bother? The party list system builds on this apathy..toe the party line, and you go on the party list - the message is clear, represent the interests of your party, above those of the electorate. I believe that this is wrong!! who apart from Jury Team gives YOU the voter the opportunity to not only select candidates for the list, but also their position on the list? Actually, who apart from Jury Team gives YOU the voter the opportunity to put yourself forward?

I believe that the EU is not necessarily fundamentally broken, but it is in need of subtantial reform - how can a body which is seemingy unable to balance its books (or demonstrate this through rigourous independent audit) not have damaged credibility? Unfortunately, reform cannot and will not happen unless MEPs are elected who are committed to improving the systems underpinning the EU and the lot of the electorate.

Many of the problems which will face us in the 21st century are so large, that effective action will need to be taken on an international basis - issues such as energy security, environmental issues, food security, migration, infrastructure, border security - these problems will only be solved through cooperation and concerted effort - "If we don't stand together, we will be defeated one by one"

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Time for a new way of working

On this website I'd like to detail a bit more about myself, and what I stand for. I'm currently a prospective independent candidate for the elections to the European parliament.

I'm paticipating in the "open primary" being run by the Jury Team - Launched in mid March 2009, the Jury Team was founded for those people who believe in democracy, but who have observed how the current party political system has turned the United Kingdom's Parliament and Government into the creatures of a small and increasingly distant group of oligarchical politicians.

The "open primary" is a world's first - anyone can stand, and those candidates with the highest number of text votes on 24th April will be supported as official independent candidates. You can vote for me by texting WILBAR01 to 86837 - texts cost 25p plus normal network charges. My Jury Team profile page can be found at

I believe that representatives should serve their voters, not their own self interest. I therefore give the following undertakings:

1. If elected, I will not join any of the various factions or groupings within the European parliament, but will instead remain truly independent and thus able to represent the best interests of the people of the South West region;

2. I will ensure that all of my financial dealings are transparent. Any staff I employ will be selected through fair and open competition, with the posts advertised across the South West region. I will not employ family members or cronies. I will not employ staff through company structures which would enable me to make personal gain. Any expenses claimed will be for activities wholly connected with representing my constituents - there will be no second homes, claims for barbeques, flat screen TVs, Sky subscriptions or pay per view porn. Where there are expenses, reciepts will be made available on my website within 30 days. Where possible, goods and services will be purchased from companies within the South West region;

3. I will not undertake any other paid employment while an elected representative. I will have one job to do, and intend to give it my full attention;

4. I will give a full account of my activities and attendance on my website every month, through a "scorecard" - this will show (among other things) my voting record;

5. The South West is a large region, but I will hold 1 public surgery per county (including Gibraltar) every 3 months. The locations of these meetings will be moved around to enable the widest access by the people of the South West, and dates will be published in advance on my website;

6. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I would make a point of visiting Gib at the very earliest opportunity to discuss the way forward. If it is the will of the people that Gibraltar should have its own directly elected representative to the European parliament, then this is something that I will actively campaign for, and until that point, I will make every effort to represent the people of Gibraltar with the same diligence as other constituents in the South West region;

7. I am not a career politician - If I am elected, I will serve a maximum of 2 terms before standing down;

8. I am not a lawyer or a PR expert - I don't do spin, half truths, deception by omission, disinformation/misinformation or other verbal chicanery. I will answer questions about my role and activities as a representative fully, openly and without reservation or equivocation.